Giving and Fundraising at The Ark
Our Sunday Worship is open to all, and there is no expectation of financial contributions from anyone attending. However, as a response to the generous gifts that God has given us a collection box is located at the back of the church every Sunday.
Many of our members make a regular offering directly from their bank by standing order, so there is no formal collection during the service. We take advantage of the Gift Aid scheme to enable us to reclaim the tax paid on the amounts given. If you would like more information about how to give regularly to the work at The Ark, please speak to our Treasurer, Rachel van Staveren, or one of the Stewards.
Regular giving from our congregation, combined with income from letting our premises, enables us to be financially stable and able to pay our way. We sometimes hold special events to boost our finances, which are always great social activities as well as an opportunity to raise some additional income.
As part of the Methodist Church in Britain, we must contribute to the running of the Church both nationally and locally. We must also maintain our premises to ensure they are clean, comfortable and safe for all who use them.
As a Church Community we actively support a number of Charities:
Action for Children is a charity that works with children and young people and was founded by a Methodist Minister 150 years ago. At our Christmas Day service we always take up a special collection for Action for Children.
Christian Aid is an organisation that campaigns for social justice around the world. We support their annual campaign each May by holding a special fund-raising event. We also respond to special appeals through Christian Aid when there are international emergencies such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
All We Can is the Methodist international relief agency. Each year at our Harvest Festival we support their invaluable work.
Colchester Foodbank Each Sunday there is a box for donation to the Foodbank at the back of our Church. At our Harvest Festival we all bring items to give to the Foodbank.
Members of our Church are involved with many different local and national charities, seeing this as a practical expression of their Christian faith.
Regular Giving online. Fill in the form below by ticking the box on how you want to give. You can choose a one-off payment, monthly or both.
For more information, please get in touch with us on our Contact page.