Get Involved

There is always plenty to see and do at the Ark on a Sunday morning. Because the building is used as a community resource and not just for worship we start each Sunday with the transformation of the main hall into a place for worship.
Led by the steward on duty and a team of Sunday stewards and helpers, the chairs are laid out and the communion table and electric piano brought in.
Our technical team are located in the “bunker” at the back of the church and the laptop computer and monitors are set up ready to display notices and hymns on the screen at the front and rear of the church so there is rarely a need to use hymn books. However there are some available, including large print, should you wish to use them.
When the service includes Holy Communion a team of helpers prepare the communion table and help in the service.
When the service is all age worship there are people on hand to keep the younger children happy with drawing activities during the service.
A table is set up at the back of the worship area where children can do some quiet activities.
Volunteers are at the door to welcome people as they arrive and help newcomers find their way.
During the service the bible readings are read by members of the congregation who have said they are willing to do so, and have been organised by the steward.
At the end of each service coffee, tea and biscuits are served by a team of volunteers.
And finally, the worship area is cleared ready for the community activities of the week ahead.
All this activity provides lots of opportunity for people to chat and catch up as they work, and makes the Ark a great place to make new friends as they worship on a Sunday.
But the work of the church doesn’t stop on a Sunday. We regularly meet online during the week for Bible Study and a virtual Coffee Morning.
Do you want to get involved?